
Research on self-development


The meaning of self-development is the approach that man takes in his life and gets through it several things that make him feel strong and satisfied with himself and his work, and make him feel peace and internal security, and help him to focus on his goals in the life he lives, and this approach lies in several things, most notably the acquisition of skills, information and behavior that helps him to everything we mentioned earlier.

Research on self-development

Self-development has many implications, as the care to educate oneself and seek to make it better is self-development, and to ensure that the will of man is subjective and not influenced externally and that will be positive, which is a development of oneself and the advancement of man. The philosopher Plato spoke about this in his philosophies and said: The establishment of man's self-education is much better than that of others, because he raises himself according to his positive convictions in which he sees safety, and plato supports the idea that man develops himself and works to acquire and adhere to positive skills and behaviors and renounce negative behaviors and things and stay away from them so that he can develop himself and improve himself. From all of the above, it is clear to us that the importance of self-development, which man must take care of in order to raise himself, become educated and conscious,

Ethicists, management scientists, psychologists and sociologists have raced among themselves to write books, lecture and prepare them, through which they have been keen to clarify and demonstrate the importance of human self-development and how to do so, whether it is development at the individual level or at the level of society, in order to build a straight and developed society, there is no doubt that the basis of the development of societies is the development of individuals in them, and the basis of all this is to work to gain the skills that lead to To the advancement of individuals and the development of themselves, thus reflecting on society as a whole, society becomes developed and effective. God has deposited in himself many skills, many behaviors and beautiful abilities, which if man exploits them well, they contribute significantly to the development of man for himself and himself, otherwise he would have become like an animal, animals cannot develop themselves,

Self-development skills

When you realize that the constant of life is renewal, as information changes, circumstances change, and conditions in our world fluctuate rapidly and continuously, it will force you -- if you want your life to make sense to develop yourself, improve your attitudes, and live up to your methods continuously, and perhaps one of the most important things you should do to achieve this is:

  • Start from values: The great values and principles of Islam are the basis of the effectiveness of the Muslim, which gives himself a desire for integrity, and generates maturity, and a sense of responsibility, and this pushes him to grow in steady steps. If you want to develop, make a real difference in your life, adhere to the values and principles of your religion, and start from it to correct your perceptions and behaviors, as the more you adhere to them and agree with them, the more serious you are, the more chances you excel, and your ability to do your work more effectively and efficiently.
  • Define your purpose: If you know what you want, you can determine your path, work to reach your destination, which will make your life meaningful and order, always start and end in your mind, shape your future with your own hands, by setting your goals, making an appropriate plan to implement it, and then translating that plan into a concrete practical reality.
  • Rank your priorities: Things vary between important and unconstruced, and important things vary in amounts between
  •  important and more important, and the most important to you is what contributes to achieving your goals more, and the secret of success lies in prioritizing, starting the most important before the important, if you want to rise to the ladder of perfection, cancel the uns important activities of your life, live in the circle of the important, and while you are in it avoid making things that are very important at the mercy of less important.
  • Think about it: The ability to think properly is the most important thing that distinguishes a person, it is the key to mental and behavioral development, the right gateway to creativity and innovation, acquiring it, training you in his skills, is a necessary issue for you, if you want to grow and develop, so that you can improve your situation, overcome your problems, and close the gap between your reality and your goals.
  • Trust your abilities: Your success emanates from within you, so your view of yourself and the way you deal with it affects the maturity of your thoughts, the quality of your performance, and if you want to live up to yourself, respect it, and enhance your confidence in your abilities, your ability to succeed in your life, and master your work Depending on how confident you are in your potential, the more contempt you have for yourself and your diminishing abilities, the more you feel your determination has fallen, your low productivity, your poor performance, your incompetence, and whoever you are will never grow, and will never be able to achieve their goals in an optimal form.